Squatters are usually portrayed as worthless scroungers hell-bent on disrupting society. Here is the inside story of the hundreds of thousands of people who have squatted in Britain since the war.
The country is riddled with empty houses and there are thousands of homeless people. When squatters logically put the two together the result can be electrifying, amazing and occasionally disastrous.
Squatting: the real story is a unique and diverse account of squatting. Written and produced by squatters, it covers all aspects:
- The history of squatting
- Famous squats
- The politics of squatting
- Squatting as a cultural challenge
- The facts behind the myths
- Squatting around the world
Compiled by Nick Wates.
Edited by Nick Wates and Christian Wolmar.
Written by Nick Anning, Celia Brown, Piers Corbyn, Andrew Friend, Mark Gimson, Andrew Ingham, Pat Moan, Tom Osborn, Ann Pettitt, Steve Platt, Jill Simpson, Colin Ward, David Watkinson, Heathcote Williams and Tristan Wood.
Designed by Caroline Lwin.
Illustrated by Andy Milburn.
Published by Bay Leaf Books, 1980.
Paperback ISBN 0 9507259 1 9
Hardback ISBN 0 9507259 0 0
Sponsorship from: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.