A selection of material from projects, viewable free in PDF format. Listed in date order, most recent first

February 2020
Thesis for PhD by Publication, Nick Wates, University of Brighton

August 2016
Client: Bungaroosh Project Steering Group

July 2016
Client: East Sussex County Council
In collaboration with East Sussex Better Together, Connecting You, Asset Based Consulting, Hastings Voluntary Action, 3VA and Rother Voluntary Action.

April 2016
Client: Battle Health Pathway Project Group

October 2013
Client: The Hargreaves Group

Barry Cooper et al., Hastings Voluntary Action et al.,
September 2013, revised May 2014
Client: Big Local North East Hastings Interim Steering Group

April 2012
Following up from a Have Your Say event on 24th March
Client: Building Community Consortium for The Kirkgate Centre

December 2011
Recommendations for community engagement and consultation
Client: Building Community Consortium for the Saffron Lane Neighbourhood Council

June 2011
Results of initial public consultation with site users, close neighbours and the wider community
Client: Highbridge No 2 Limited (HN2L)

March 2011
Results of a Planning Workshop held on 22 November 2010
Client: Farmglade Limited

January 2011
Report on four workshops to consult with local residents on the future of a semi natural public open space on the outskirts of Brighton.
Client: Brighton & Hove City Council

November 2010
Results of initial public consultation with site users, close neighbours and the wider community.
Client: Farmglade Limited

February 2010
Report on a data capture exercise to assist Rother Local Strategic Partnership establish priorities.
Client: Rother District Council
with CSC Regeneration

February 2010
Full report from the consultation process to create a Local Action Plan for Bexhill, East Sussex .
Client: Rother Voluntary Action

October 2009
Record of two stakeholder workshops held at the start of the development of a Local Development Framework core strategy.
Client: Harlow Council

June 2009
Output of a Design Day held to involve young people in creating a Youth Hub at St Mary-in-the-Castle, Hastings.
Client: Hastings Trust

December 2008
Toolkit on action planning for local support groups of the URBACT programme for sustainable urban development.
Downloadable in most European languages from www.urbact.eu
Client: URBACT Secretariat, European Union

September 2008
Output of a workshop to help key stakeholders finalise a consultants’ brief for the preparation of a masterplan for the town centre.
Client: Aylesbury Vale Advantage
Not downloadable due to confidentiality
Good Practice Advice
December 2006
Report advising the Great Dunmow Town Design Statement Working Party on how best to proceed with producing a Town Design Statement.
Client: The Countryside Agency

February 2005
Study to help the town council progress the improvement of the town centre in the light of criticism of its proposals by Dorset County Council .
Client: Shaftesbury Town Council
With Alan Baxter & Associates

January 2005
Comprehensive illustrated record of a one-day event to seek views prior to drawing up a Draft Area Action Plan for the eastern edge of the city.
Client: Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council

August 2004
Results of a study to assess progress made by Hastings’ Neighbourhood Renewal programme and to recommend ways to ensure the initiative’s sustainability.
Client: Hastings Borough Council
With Clive Jacotine & Associates
Download Current Arrangements Review pdf

March 2004
Flyer summarising the draft masterplan by EDAW with consultation programme and tear off questionnaire
Client: BBP Regeneration for English Partnerships

April 2004
Results from a self-completion questionnaire seeking views on proposals for a Masterplan for Bexhill Town Centre and designs for a key seafront development.
Client: Sea Space; Hastings & Bexhill Renaissance.

February 2004
Study on facilities needed for the community in West St Leonards, East Sussex, UK.
Client: The Hastings Trust on behalf of West St Leonards Community Association

October 2003
Comprehensive illustrated record of a one-day event to seek views prior to drawing up an Area Development Framework for the southern edge of the city.
Client: A partnership of local authorities and landowners including Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridge City Council.

September 2003
Poster and invitation card advertising two days of planning workshops to firm up plans for a new Housing Renewal Area.
Client: Hastings Borough Council

February 2003
Good Practice guide published by The Countryside Agency
Client: The Countryside Agency

January 2003
Report of an intensive month of consultation on a range of plans and strategies for the area including a Masterplan, Community Strategy, Millennium Community, Housing Renewal Area and three Local Action Plans.
Client: Hastings Borough Council, South East England Development Agency and English Partnerships
With Clive Jacotine & Associates Limited